Senin, 09 Oktober 2017

SOP Definition, Purpose, Functions and Benefits of Working Procedure

     To fulfill the task of one of the subjects this time, that is Business English course 1, I will explain the benefits and procedures of a job, tell personal experiences, delegate work and discuss progress of a project / job.

SOP Definition

  Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are documents relating to procedures performed chronologically to accomplish a job aimed at obtaining the most effective work of the workers at the lowest possible cost. SOPs usually consist of benefits, when created or revised, method of writing procedures, and completed by the flowchart chart at the end (Lakshmi, 2008: 52).

     Every company, however, forms and types, requires a guide to perform the tasks and functions of each element or unit of a company. Standard Operating Procedure (SPO) is a system designed to facilitate, clean up and discipline work. This system contains a sequence of processes doing the work from start to finish.

Here are some SOP notions from some book sources:

  • Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) are guidelines used to ensure the operational activities of an organization or company run smoothly (Sailendra, 2015: 11).
  • According to Moekijat (2008), Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is a sequence of steps (or execution-work), where the work is done, relating to what is done, how to do it, when doing so, where to do it, and who do it.
  • According to Tjipto Atmoko (2011), Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is a guideline or reference for performing job duties in accordance with the functions and performance appraisal tools of government agencies based on technical, administrative and procedural indicators in accordance with work procedures, work procedures and work system on the work unit concerned.
  • SOP or standard operational procedure is a document containing a series of standardized written instruction on various processes of organizing office administration that contains how to do the work, time of implementation, place of administration and actors who play a role in the activities (Insani, 2010: 1).

Definition of Work Procedures, Procedures and Systems
  • Work Procedures

Ways to achieve efficient work with maximum levels.
  • Prosedure

A structural arrangement that must be done by the employee, the order includes where it came from and where to go, by what means we are working on that stage and when it is completed, all covered in a working procedure.
  • System

The combination of work procedures and procedures to form a certain pattern in completing a job.
Actually for what formed a procedure, procedure, or system work? it turns out that with the three of them the implementation of management functions and leadership wisdom becomes more focused, coordinated, well controlled.

SOP Objectives and Functions

     The purpose of making an SOP is to explain the details or fixed standards concerning repetitive work activities organized within an organization. Good SOPs are SOPs that enable better work flow, guide for new employees, cost savings, ease of supervision, and result in good coordination between different parts of the company.

Benefits of SOP
     SOP or often referred to as a permanent procedure (protap) is a written stipulation of what to do, when, where and by whom and is made to avoid variations in the process of implementation of activities by employees that will disrupt the performance of the organization (government agencies) as a whole. SOP has benefits for the organization among others (Permenpan No.PER / 21 / M-PAN / 11/2008):

  1. As standardization of the way that employees do in completing special work, reduce errors and omissions.
  2. SOP help staff become more independent and independent of management interventions, thereby reducing leadership involvement in day-to-day execution processes.
  3. Improve accountability by documenting specific responsibilities in carrying out tasks.
  4. Create a standard performance measure that will give employees. concrete ways to improve performance and help evaluate the business that has been done.
  5. Creating training materials that can help new employees to quickly do their job.
  6. Shows the performance that the organization is efficient and well managed.
  7. Provide guidance for every employee in the service unit in carrying out daily service delivery.
  8. Avoid overlapping of service delivery duties.
  9. Helps track down procedural errors in service delivery. Ensure the service process continues in various situations

The Principle of the Order, System, Working Procedure is as follows:

  1. The arrangement of these three elements should take into account: material, equipment, cost, time, kind and nature of the task / job.
  2. The main objectives of the organization, scheme, classification of positions, analysis of organizational activity elements should be determined early, this is to avoid the inaccuracy of the initial procedure of making this organization.
  3. Working procedures are not formed not on the basis of the existing labor force, but the skill of the existing workforce to complete the work in the specific field.
  4. The arrangement of these three elements must follow the development of the era and technology.
  5. Manual book on the arrangement, system, working procedure must be available at the beginning so that employees can run in accordance with the already set from the beginning so that the discipline goes according to the manual book.

The Benefits of Working Procedures, Work Systems, and Working Procedures are as follows :
  1. Simplify the employees in carrying out the task
  2. Tasks can be carried out regularly and on time
  3. Fatigue in work can be overcome
  4. Abandoned work can be overcome
  5. Job goals can be achieved effectively
  6. Can be done standardization and work control with precisely - precisely
  7. Can be used as a work guide

Reference :

  1. Laksmi, Fuad dan Budiantoro. 2008. Manajemen Perkantoran Modern. Jakarta: Penerbit Pernaka.
  2. Sailendra, Annie. 2015. Langkah-Langkah Praktis Membuat SOP. Cetakan Pertama. Trans Idea Publishing, Yogyakarta.
  3. Moekijat. 2008. Adminitrasi Perkantoran. Bandung: Mandar Maju.
  4. Atmoko, Tjipto. 2012. Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) dan Akuntabilitas Kinerja Instansi Pemerintah. Skripsi Unpad. Jakarta.
  5. Insani, Istyadi. 2010. Pengembangan Kapasitas Sumber Daya Manusia Daerah Daam Rangka Peningkatan Transparansi dan Akuntabilitas Pengelolaan Keuangan Daerah.
  6. Hartatik, Indah Puji. 2014. Buku Praktis Mengembangkan SDM. Jogjakarta. Laksana.
    Accessed on October 9, 2017 At 16:15 pm
    Accessed on October 9, 2017 At 16:18 pm

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