To fulfill the task of one of the subjects this time, that is Business English course 1, I will analyze one of the Manufacturing Company, precisely a company engaged in the field of Building Materials Industry, Namely PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk located on Jl. TB Simatupang No.22 - 26, Jakarta 12430 Indonesia.
Profile PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk
Holcim Indonesia is a leading cement,concrete and aggregate producer integrated into the uniqueness and expansion of the franchise offering a comprehensive solution for home development, from the provision of materials to rapid design and safe construction.
As part of the LafargeHolcim Group operating in over 90 countries worldwide with over 180 years of experience, Holcim Indonesia is committed to be the leading company with the best performance in the building materials industry in Indonesia. Holcim Indonesia is stepping up to meet its development needs in Indonesia with a production capacity of 15 million tons of cement per year.
Holcim's presence in Indonesia is marked by the operation of four factories in Lhoknga - Aceh, Narogong - West Java, Cilacap - Central Java and Tuban - East Java. Our production activities are also supported by milling facilities & distribution terminals spread all the way to Kalimantan and Sumatra, as well as excellent sales management system and product innovation that can always be your solution.
Letter is one of the media of communication which aims to convey information about something to the parties / agencies / others through paper media. There are also other mail media that is through the internet or that we often know with email (electronic mail). Letter has various types but essentially there are two kinds; namely official letters and unofficial letters. Well, on this occasion Media Learning English will try to present an explanation of the Official Letter in English. May be useful.
1.1 Definition of Official English Letter
Simply put, the official letter can be interpreted as a letter that is used to convey information that is official to an agency, company, or individual. An official letter is made with the aim to convey formal information to an institution, company, or individual.
1.2 Function of Official English Letters
Official mail is usually used for several purposes, among others, as follows :
1. To apply for a job
2. To give a complaint
3. To order goods
4. To request something; meeting.
5. To request information
6. To invite someone
1.3 Format of Official English Letters
For the official English letter writing format, note the following picture:
Generally, the official Letter using the format as shown in the picture above. Where:
A. Your Address (Author Address)
This is the author's address section. The recipient can be younger to find the author's nature if sending a reply letter.
B. Date
This is the date of the letter creation. While the format of writing date is month / day / year, for example August 30, 2012
C. Inside Address (Destination Address)
This section contains the name of the letter planner (company or individual) with the address.
D. Salutation
In this section, the term used is "Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms. (last name peneriam) ", eg" Dear Mr. Fathoni ". But if the recipient's name is not recognized, write the name of the department, eg "Dear Director of the Department of Human Resources". Spread the greetings with the content.
E. Body (Letter Content)
The contents of the letter is where you write the things you want to say. Paragraphs in the contents of a letter must use single space and without separation spacing between each paragraph. Spare the final part of the contents with the cover.
The contents of a letter usually consist of three paragraphs, each of which has its own function.
Paragraph 1 (opening paragraph) usually contains the reason why you wrote the official letter.
Paragraph 2 (paragraph content) contains the main points of the letter.
Paragraph 3 (Closing paragraph) contains a statement of thanks.
F. Closing (Closing)
This section as a marker that your letter has finished, usually ends with the writing "Sincerely", "Sincerely yours", "Thank you", and so on. Note, There is a comma at the end of the cover and only the first letter using capital letters. Spread 3-4 lines between the cover by name, which will be diguankan to place the signature.
G. Signature (Signature)
This section is the author's signature, usually using black ink or blue ink.
H. Printed Name
This section is the name of the author of the letter, and if you so wish, you can provide the position or position in the bahwah section after the writing of the name. Spacing between writing a name with an attachment.
2.1 Letter Of Official Request
A. Sample business letter (Block
Front Street
Mount Celebres, CA 65286
5, 2004
Betty Johnson
Accounts Payable
The Cooking Store
765 Berliner Plaza
Industrial Point, CA 68534
Ms. Johnson:
has come to my attention that your company, The Cooking Store has been late
with paying their invoices for the past three months.
order to encourage our customers to pay for their invoices before the due
date, we have implemented a discount model where we'll give you 2% off your
invoice if you pay us within 10 days of receiving the invoice.
hope that everything is going well for you and your company. You are one of
our biggest customers, and we appreciate your business. If you have any
questions, feel free to contact me at (555) 555-5555.
B. Sample Business Letter (Semi-block Format)
3519 Front Street Mount Celebres, CA 65286
October 5, 2004
Ms. Betty Johnson Accounts Payable The Cooking Store 765 Berliner Plaza Industrial Point, CA 68534
Dear Ms. Johnson:
It has come to my attention that your company, The Cooking Store has been late with paying their invoices for the past three months.
In order to encourage our customers to pay for their invoices before the due date, we have implemented a discount model where we'll give you 2% off your invoice if you pay us within 10 days of receiving the invoice.
I hope that everything is going well for you and your company. You are one of our biggest customers, and we appreciate your business. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at (555) 555-5555.
Bob Powers
Accounts Receivable
Reference :
Accessed on 24 September 2017 At 10:49 pm
Accessed on 24 September 2017 At 10:51 pm
Accessed on 24 September 2017 At 10:53 pm
Accessed on 24 September 2017 At 10:55 pm